HOA Board Meeting May 1, 2023

HOA Board Meeting May 1, 2023

Several topics were discussed at the HOA Board meeting that was held Monday, May 1st.

The Board elected a new president, Terry Cleveland, following the resignation of the existing president. The Board acknowledges and appreciates the contributions made by Larry Mordan and all the years he has served on the Board.

Parts for the central fountain arrived and were installed. In the process, it was noted another part required replacement and that should be done within the next two weeks.

The Chancery Pond fountain will require a new meter box.  It was discovered that after performing tests on various parts of the system, the meter voltage output was too high.

The Community Sale lawn signs are being revised with this year’s date, May 20th.  When they are ready, they will be installed at the entrances and roundabout to alert the public of our annual sale.

A dead tree toppled in the common area and was removed by our vendor.  A decision will be made whether to replace it or seed the area.

Homeowners are reminded that advertising signs in their yard are not permitted.  Additionally, yards need to be maintained and dead shrubs and dead trees removed.