Snow Removal After the Recent Storm

Snow Removal After the Recent Storm

Some of you have expressed concern about the efficiency of snow removal after a recent snow storm. The Board of Directors of your HOA has reviewed the performance of our vendor and will discuss our concerns with them. Please keep in mind that approximately 10 inches of snow fell from late Wednesday through about 9pm Thursday evening – a formidable amount of snow to deal with.

Our contractor began plowing early Thursday morning but was not able to keep up with the heavy rate of snow fall. They resumed Thursday evening around 9pm – after the snow stopped falling – and completed making our roads passable by 9am Friday morning – just 12 hours later! They returned later Friday morning to further clear several of our cul-de-sacs in which the clearance of snow was not complete.

If we did not contract privately for snow removal we would have had to wait until Friday afternoon when a Johnson County plow finally arrived. The cost of snow removal is prorated on the amount of snow that falls and is included in your Annual Assessment. We budget $10,000 each year for snow removal which amounts to less than $0.30 per day per lot owner during the winter season.