Kensington Grove Water Pressure Issue

Kensington Grove Water Pressure Issue

The HOA Board is aware that there has been a drop in water pressure and many lawns are showing dry areas. Jeff at Hoosier Irrigation investigated and reported the water pressure is down in the neighborhood due to the increase in number of homes. He has seen the decline in pressure with several lawns in Kensington.

A Board member contacted the Plant Supervisor at the Bargersville Water Company with the question of reduced water pressure and received the following response:

“Due to unprecedented water usage by residents due to continued drought conditions, water pressure could be reduced in certain residential areas. Water towers close to residential areas are not necessarily the ones that water is drawn from and due to significant construction at the State/ Federal level on 37, water pressure could be affected until that construction is completed. He did not feel that any localized building in the subdivision was causing the issue as no main water line break has been reported. Residents are welcome to call them with their concerns but they will get the same answer.”