HOA Annual Meeting Held Jan 23, 2023

The 2023 HOA Annual Meeting was held Monday, January 23rd at 6:30pm at the White River Township Trustee Office Building across the street from the KG Morgantown entrance. Approximately 30 residents were in attendance. In addition, there were seven board members present.

The meeting lasted approximately 2 hours. Larry Mordan, HOA President, presented an overview of 2022 accomplishments and challenges and 2023 goals. He also reviewed the 2022 expenditures providing rationale for many of the items. Then the 2023 proposed budget was outlined. A copy of his presentation can be downloaded here.

In addition, proposed BOD (Board of Director) candidates were reviewed and each candidate who was present was given the floor to present themselves.

Ballots for the proposed budget and candidate selection are due by January 31st.

During the questions and answers period, several residents raised questions and concerns and discussion followed.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:25pm.