2022 Annual Assessment Due by January 31st

2022 Annual Assessment Due by January 31st

The Kensington Grove Homeowners annual assessment has been increased to $625.00 per lot. The amount is due by January 31, 2022 and will be assessed late fees of $30.00 after that date. A semi-annual payment plan is offered and includes a 10% premium for those who would like this option. The first payment would be due January 31 in the amount of $343.75 per lot, with the second payment of $343.75 per lot due June 30, 2022.

Please make checks payable to: Kensington Grove Homeowners Association
Please mail to:  P.O. Box 251, Bargersville, IN 46106-0251

Concerning the assessment increase, when the proposed 2022 budget was reviewed, it was noted that sufficient contingency funds should be maintained to provide flexibility for maintaining common areas when minor or irregular unbudgeted issues arise, or in the unlikely event of an unanticipated major issue. Several improvements in 2021 were made possible by contingency funds due to expenses exceeding the budget by 5.2% for the year which avoided the necessity of requesting an additional assessment to homeowners.

Additionally, the HOA Board experienced increased labor and inflationary costs and anticipate the possibility that those will continue into 2022.

The HOA Board has been able to maintain the original annual assessment fee of $500 for more than 10 years, but even when the addition of 12 new homeowner-owned lots are taken into account, there is a projected shortfall of greater than $22,000. The Board considered many scenarios to reduce the shortfall, but in the end they approved an assessment increase beginning in 2022.

Read the 2021-2022 Budget Review from the Board included with the annual HOA meeting announcement mailed to each homeowner in December for more detail.