Mid-January 2023, Kensington Grove homeowners were mailed an information packet, an assessment invoice, and ballots for selecting board members and approving the proposed 2023 HOA budget. The due date for your assessment payment and ballots is fast approaching. They are due by January 31, 2023.
Voting for board members is strictly by KG Section. That is, you can only vote for candidate(s) in your section. If you are unsure in which section you reside, try using the new lookup form on the Resources page of this website.
Your annual assessment must be paid by January 31st to avoid a late fee. There is an option to split your payment by paying semi-annual payments plus a 10% premium. The first payment is still due by January 31st in the amount of $343.75 per lot, with the second payment of $343.75 per lot due by June 30th.
If you elect to mail your payment and ballots, they must be postmarked by January 31. Mail your payment and ballots to: Kensington Grove HOA, P.O. Box 251, Bargersville, IN 46106. If you want to turn in your payment and ballots instead of mailing them, contact a board member at board@kensingtongrovehoa.org.