Johnson County has contracted with SavATree to pick up woody debris in our area. It is the responsibility of homeowners to separate woody debris (tree, shrubs and bushes) from other storm-related debris (general construction and non-woody debris) and place the debris curbside.
Due to the high volume of woody debris, the clean up will take some time to complete. Your patience is requested.
Other debris such as general construction and non-woody items must be placed in dumpsters that are strategically located in our community. This is the responsibility of each homeowner.
Depending on weather, Johnson County has arranged for volunteers to assist with moving debris to the dumpsters on Monday, July 3.
The Travis Road pond still has debris along the shoreline and in the pond near the shoreline. Much of the debris is small but noticeable. Your HOA has paid a vendor to remove the large debris.
This pond, like the others in our community, and the greenspace surrounding it, is common area for the benefit of all residents of Kensington Grove. We all should have an interest in it and participate in keeping it well-maintained.
Though Johnson County volunteers might be here on Monday July 3, it is not clear that they will be authorized to clean our pond. Their focus and purpose will be primarily set on getting curbside debris into dumpsters.
Therefore, we are considering organizing our own clean up effort by asking homeowners to volunteer an hour of their time on Tuesday morning, July 4th. With enough people, the clean up should take very little time.
More detail will be forthcoming in the next day or two.