Highlights of Oct 7, 2024 Board Meeting

Highlights of Oct 7, 2024 Board Meeting

The Kensington Grove HOA Board of Directors met Monday, October 7, to discuss several topics. A resident of KG expressed safety concerns for children who meet a driver after school in our neighborhood near the intersection of Chancery and Morgantown. The resident has observed some near misses with cars coming too close to students who seem oblivious to traffic safety rules. Vehicles are parking along Chancery as well as a nearby cul-de-sac waiting for children. They cause concerns for traffic by making the street narrower and reducing visibility for other drivers. The Board discussed possible options and it was decided to investigate further after the upcoming annual meeting.

In a related safety concern, it was brought to the Board’s attention that at night it is sometimes difficult to see pedestrians crossing Morgantown, in spite of the traffic lights. People will cross the street without using the pedestrian crosswalk light. The area is not well lit and cars turning into the neighborhood have difficulty seeing the pedestrians, or sometimes are unaware there are pedestrians in the vicinity. The Board decided to investigate the possibility of additional lighting for the intersection after the annual meeting.

Multiple board member seats are up for election this year due to normal rotation and one-year appointments. It was noted that there are six seats and only four candidates. Three of the candidates are existing board members. The board is very appreciative of one resident who has stepped up to seek board membership.

Concern was expressed about delivery of neighborhood newsletters and flyers in residents’ mailboxes. Not only do the deliveries take 2 board members nearly 3 hours, the deliveries in mailboxes are in violation of postal regulations. It was suggested that beginning in 2025, newsletters should be mailed, though that will greatly increase the cost of communicating with residents. Only about one-third of the residents have availed themselves of automated notices when new information is posted on the website.

The first step in assessing the condition of our ponds for future planning was taken with the pond vendor. The Board previously agreed to purchase water quality testing for each pond and have received and paid for the service. A report is expected soon.

Two homeowners have requested approval to install a fence in their backyard. In both cases, the homeowner wishes to put part of their fence in an easement. Johnson County in recent years changed their ordinance to disallow fences in easements. One of the homeowners filed for an exemption with the county. Because the Board cannot overrule the county, it was decided to wait until the homeowners had received approval with the issuance of a building permit from Johnson County before taking a vote.

The Board officially announced the successful completion of the governing documents election and rental restriction amendment. Next, the amended Covenants must be filed with the Johnson County clerk. The attorney is preparing the necessary paperwork.

The Board decided that, given the revised Covenants, a summary of the new rules and restrictions should be created and sent to all owners at the beginning of 2025. It will be included with the annual assessment invoice mailing.